Our Solution
Rent DLM
Instant Access to DLM Clusters
Get datacenter-scale AI compute on-demand. Easily spin up clusters of up to 512 DLMs, optimized for AI acceleration. Choose flexible scheduling to access GPU clusters when you need them. Use on-demand for weekly workloads (up to six months), or save up to 45% with longer-term reservations
Our Solution
Swarm X100
Decentralized Learning Machine-in-a-Box
The X100 puts the power of Decentralized Learning Machine (DLM) technology into a specialized, ready-to-deploy system. With Extreme Model/Data Parallelism (XMP) and high-speed linking, this innovative solution makes HPC-class AI computing accessible to a wider range of users, empowering them to unlock new possibilities in artificial intelligence.
Lease to earn passive income immediately
Our Solution
Swarm’s DLM
Supercharges Your
RAG Development
Our RAG-in-a-box solution accelerates Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) projects by integrating Swarm’s Decentralized Learning Machine (DLM) with pre-built libraries and tools, enabling seamless development and deployment of RAG applications. Leverage the power of distributed AI clusters for faster, more efficient, and cost-effective RAG development.
Our Solution
Transform Your GPUs into a Powerful Decentralized Learning Machine (DLM)
If you have an RTX in your computer or crypto mining machines, you can now effortlessly transform them into powerful AI-accelerated Decentralized Learning Machines. Once connected, your compute resources automatically join similar nodes, enabling you to earn as your system contributes to distributed training and other compute-intensive tasks
Decentralized Gaming Machine
Unlocks Cloud Gaming
Swarm Decentralized Gaming Machines (DGM) revolutionize online gaming by harnessing the power of distributed GPU networks. Our platform provides game developers and platforms with on-demand, high-performance, gaming-optimized compute resources, reducing costs while enhancing gaming experiences. Swarm’s DGM effortlessly scales to handle compute-heavy tasks like real-time rendering, multiplayer environments, and AI-driven features, unlocking new possibilities for game creation and delivery.
Coming soon....